The Fifth Di…



Our current response time is two months…there are no more reading periods for this zine…it was just too much work all at once for me. If you change your e-mail address, please let me know. There are always a few submissions that never get responses because the contributor changes their address.


Fiction must be science fiction or fantasy, no horror, no exceptions. I’m looking for stories up to 7,500 words, although I will consider queries for longer stories. Payment will be $10 per story on publication, buying first rights. No reprints will be read, and I also won’t consider simultaneous submissions. Flash fiction is not likely to be successful with me unless it’s absolutely brilliant. I’m not a big flash fan, so please keep that in mind when submitting.


For poetry, it’s the same thing. Poems must fall into the science fiction or fantasy genres. NO HORROR. Payment will be $5 per poem, on publication for first rights. Again, no reprints or simultaneous submissions. Longer poems have a better chance. Haiku and other short forms aren’t likely to get picked up here. That’s not to say it can’t happen…as evidenced by past issues, but they are a harder sell.


We are not currently seeking artwork.


All submissions must be sent as attachments in rtf. Please do not send Word files. I will read submissions that are sent pasted into messages, but I’d prefer attachments. Every submission must contain the word “Submission” in its subjct line, or it will be flushed with all of the spam. I hate to start getting anal, but given the amount of Spam I have to sift through, it just makes my job easier, and a happy editor is always a good thing. Also, all submissions must follow standard ms guidelines…if you don’t know what that means, please find out. Your name, byline, and address MUST appear on the submission. All submissions MUST have page numbers. If you want something italicized, please italicize it in the submission. Also, please include a bio with your submission written in the third person.


Don’t send work that is based in other people’s universes. All works must be original with no threat of copyright infringement. All submissions should be sent to thefifthdi at yahoo dot com.


The Martian Wave


The Martian Wave publishes science fiction works that center around the exploration and colonization of outer space, with an emphasis on our solar system. We prefer stories set around that theme, but we will also accept stories that are set in that timeframe.  If it doesn’t fit that description, then it’s not right for TMW.


All submissions will receive a response within three months of being submitted. It’s usually a lot quicker, but as we’ve all learned recently, things sometimes happen that are beyond our control…so we will endeavor to respond quicker than two months, but we won’t guarantee it. Time permitting, we may comment on rejected manuscripts.


Fiction must revolve around the zine’s theme, no exceptions. Stories set in our solar system will be our priority, but we will certainly accept stories set outside of our solar system…but please stick to the zines’ theme.

We’re looking for stories up to 7,500 words. We will still not read simultaneous submissions, nor will we be reading reprints for the new print zine. Payment for first rights will be ½ cent per word for First Rights.


For poetry, it’s the same thing. Poems must revolve around the idea of the colonization and exploration of space. Payment will be $5 per poem, on publication for first rights. No reprints or simultaneous submissions.


At this time we are not looking for art submissions.


All submissions must use standard manuscript formatting.  Please send all submissions as attachments in rtf. We are no longer reading Word submissions. I will read poetry submissions that are sent pasted into messages, but I’d prefer attachments. Please also include a brief third person authors’ bio.


Don’t send work that is based in other people’s universes. All works must be original with no threat of copyright infringement. All submissions should be sent to themartianwave at yahoo dot com. The Matian Wave DOES NOT accept snail-mail submissions. We’re not including the e-mail address as a hyperlink because of spammers, but we’re confident you can figure out what to do with that address…


A Robot, a Cyborg, and a Martian Walk into a Space Bar…


As you might be able to guess, or at least we hope you can guess, this is an anthology of comedic science fiction.  So, if you think you can tickle our funny bone with your SF story, we want to see it…

Response times

All stories will be responded to within two months.  It will usually be quicker, but life has a way of putting pranks in our paths that make it difficult to do what we want, but it will not be longer than two months.  In general, we will not critique rejected responses.  Humor is so subjective, it’s hard to say what will tickle us and what will make us groan.

Lengths and payments

Stories must be at least 1,500 words.  We will consider reprints, but preference will be given to non-reprints. Advance payment will be $10 for each story.  Once the book has earned out our initial investment, all authors will receive an equal share of 50% of the profits the book has made, and these royalties will be paid quarterly.

Other important stuff

All submissions should be sent to editor (at) nomadicdeliriumpress (dot) com.  All submissions should be sent as rtf files attached to the e-mail. The subject line of your submission should be “Space Bar submission.”

We’re shooting for a mid-2014 release date, but if the anthology fills up fast enough, we’ll release the book earlier.




Welcome to the new blog for Nomadic Delirium Press.  Over the days, weeks, months, years, and hopefully decades to come, we will be posting information about upcoming titles, published titles, and pretty much whatever else we feel like posting.

If you’d like to learn more about us, please feel free to visit us at