The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di.. is here


The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di.. is now available at  It is also available anywhere else that print and e-books are sold.

What’s in this issue?

The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him.

You can also read samples from this issue at


Time is running out


You only have a few days left to order your e-book version of The Fifth Di… or The Martian Wave early…and to save money on your order!

Order your copy of The Fifth Di… for just $1.49 at

Order your copy of The Martian Wave for just $2.99 at

No coupon codes are required, simply order your copy and start reading immediately.


Would you like to read the new issue of The Martian Wave early?


If you’d like to read the new issue of The Martian Wave early, now’s your chance. Although the official release date is September 1st, we’re making the e-book version available today through our website.  And instead of paying the normal $3.99 for your issue, you can get it for just $2.99…but this sale is only good until the release date, so you need to order soon. Go to and order your copy now.


Subscribe through Smashwords for updates


Smashwords has now  made it possible for our readers to subscribe to receive updates whenever any of our books are released through them.  All you have to do is go to and click on “Subscribe to Author Updates.”  You set how often you receive updates.

This is a great way to get your virtual hands on our e-books as soon as they’re available.


Get the new issue of The Fifth Di… early


We’re still a week away from the release of the September issue of The Fifth Di…, but you can pick up your e-book version of it right now from our website at

Not only can you be one of the first to read it, but you can also pick it up for just $1.49, but this sale ends at the end of the month, so order now.

What’s in this issue?

The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him.

Pre-order the September issue of The Fifth Di…


The e-book version of the September issue of The Fifth Di… is now available for pre-order.  Pick up your copy at

The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him.


Tyree Campbell appearances


Tyree Campbell will be making appearances at several conventions later this year, and it would be a great opportunity for you to get your copies of Quantum Women and The Butterfly and the Sea Dragon signed.

What? You don’t have copies?  You can pick them up at and

Tyree can be found at the Alban Lake Publishing table at the following cons:

Sep. 16-18 Dodeca-Con Columbia, MO

Oct. 7-9 Gaylaxicon Minneapolis, MN

Oct. 15 Twin Cities Book Festival Minneapolis, MN

Oct. 28-30 ICON 41 Cedar Rapids, IA

Nov. 18-20 Memphis CFC Memphis, TN


We’re still looking for submissions for Ecotastrophe II


In 2006, Sam’s Dot Publishing released an anthology about the effects of global climate change on humanity called Ecotastrophe.  Now that it’s been almost ten years since the release, and global climate change still seems a possible threat to humanity, Nomadic Delirium Press has decided to release Ecotastrophe II.  Like the original collection, this one will be edited by J Alan Erwine.

What we’re looking for: We want science fiction stories between 3,000 and 10,000 words that look at the effects of global climate change (preferably the extreme effects) on humanity and the other creatures of Earth.  We’re not looking for stories about the change, but rather the effects of the change.  Although we’d love to have a lot of stories that look at the hard science of climate change, we also want stories that look at the soft sciences.  It’s important that the stories focus on the people, rather than the science, but we still want the science to be plausible.

What we’re paying: We will pay $10 for first rights to any story.  We will also pay two contributor copies.  If possible, we will increase this payment…but we can’t guarantee that.

Poetry Submissions: We’ve decided that we will be accepting four, and only four, poems for this collection. They must meet the same criteria as story submissions, and we will pay $5 per poem for first rights, plus one contributor’s copy. Please keep in mind that we will only accept one poem per poet.

Where to send your little gems: All submissions should be sent to editor (at) nomadicdeliriumpress (dot) com.  Your subject should be “Ecotastrophe Submission”.

Response times: We will respond to all submissions within two months.

Other questions: If you have any other questions, please send them to the submission address.