The April issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is here


The April issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is now available…

Order from us:

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Spaceports & Spidersilk features some of the best science fiction and fantasy fiction and poetry for kids of all ages. The April 2016 issue will take you to places you might never have imagined. It will appeal to your inner child, and hopefully take you back to the places you loved as a child…and if you’re still a child, it will open your imagination to all kinds of new worlds.


Anthology word count update


We’re still reading for Disharmony of the Spheres and Ecotastrophe II, but we thought we’d give you an update on current word counts…

Disharmony of the Spheres: 44,500

Ecotastrophe II: 15,600

We’re looking for each collection to be 60,000-80,000 words.  If you’d like to submit, you can find the guidelines at


We’re having a sale!


You can get a number of our books for 10% off now until the end of April.  There are short story collections, anthologies, magazines, games, and game supplements.  This even includes a couple of our most recent releases (Crisis Averted by Laura Givens and Quantum Women by Tyree Campbell.)

No coupon codes, just go to and click on the titles with the “Sale” icons.


The Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica: Sector 44 (Lomisian Space)


The exploration of “Deep Space” continues.

Welcome to Sector Forty-Four, the home system of the Lomisians. Here you’ll find their homeworld, and many of the worlds they’ve colonized.  You’ll also find worlds that have been taken from the Lomisians.  Plus you’ll find worlds that even the Lomisians avoid, and damaged systems that are a danger to all, but a challenge for the brave.

Available from us at:

Available from DriveThruRPG at:

This title will also be available as a digital download from all of the usual distributors…


Coming May 10th!


Coming May 10th to Nomadic Delirium Press will be a new novel (the first in a series) from Tyree Campbell called “The Butterfly and the Sea Dragon: A Yoelin Thibbony Rescue.”

More details coming soon…


Anthology word counts


We’ve been getting queries about how much longer Disharmony of the Spheres and Ecotastrophe II will be open to submissions.  It’s a difficult question to answer, since we’re planning on reading until they anthologies are full…and we’re looking for each of them to be between 60,000 and 80,000 words.  So, the best answer we can give is to tell you where the word counts currently stand…

Disharmony of the Spheres: 30,000

Ecotastrophe II: 20,000

There are still stories that have been submitted and that we have not read, so these totals may increase in the next week.