One week til Spaceports & Spidersilk


The official release of the July issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is still a week away, but you can download your copy today from our website at

Normally, the zine sells for $1, but if you order before July 1st, you’ll only pay 75 cents.


Anthology word count update 6/21


We’re still reading for Disharmony of the Spheres and Ecotastrophe II, but we thought we’d give you an update on current word counts…

Disharmony of the Spheres: 44,500

Ecotastrophe II: 28,900

We’re looking for each collection to be 60,000-80,000 words.  If you’d like to submit, you can find the guidelines at

Also, the 2016 issue of The Martian Wave is now full, but we are already reading for the 2017 issue.


Disharmony of the Spheres is still looking for submissions


The anthology is filling up quickly, but we’re still looking for submissions for Disharmony of the Spheres…

Disharmony of the Spheres will be a science fiction anthology in which the main character must be battling some type of mental illness.  While we will consider stories where the character is dealing with an illness like schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, what we really want to see is characters that are battling an illness like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, PTSD, etc.  This is meant to be an uplifting collection of stories, so the characters must overcome their illness to defeat whatever they’re up against.  They don’t necessarily have to overcome their illness completely, but they must show that even when suffering from a mental illness, a person can still achieve great things.

Story particulars: We want stories that are 2,000 words or longer.  All stories must be science fiction, and they must fit into the guidelines as outlined above.

What we’re paying: We will pay $5 per story for one time rights, and we will also pay two contributor copies.  This is less than we would normally pay for an anthology, but half of all of the profits from this book will be going to the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention organization, which helps to battle teen suicide.  We will consider reprints for this anthology.

Poetry Submissions: We’ve decided that we will be accepting four, and only four, poems for this collection. They must meet the same criteria as story submissions, and we will pay $5 per poem for one time rights, plus one contributor’s copy. Please keep in mind that we will only accept one poem per poet.

Where to send your stories and poems: All stories and poems should be sent to editor (at) nomadicdeliriumpress (dot) com.  The subject line should include “Disharmony submission.”

Response times: We will respond to all submissions within two months.

Other questions: If you have any other questions, please feel free to send them to the address above.


The Martian Wave is almost full


The 2016 issue of The Martian Wave is almost full, so if you want to submit, you need to do it soon…

The Martian Wave publishes science fiction works that center around the exploration and colonization of outer space, with an emphasis on our solar system. We prefer stories set around that theme, but we will also accept stories that are set in that timeframe.  If it doesn’t fit that description, then it’s not right for TMW.


All submissions will receive a response within three months of being submitted. It’s usually a lot quicker, but as we’ve all learned recently, things sometimes happen that are beyond our control…so we will endeavor to respond quicker than two months, but we won’t guarantee it. Time permitting, we may comment on rejected manuscripts.


Fiction must revolve around the zine’s theme, no exceptions. Stories set in our solar system will be our priority, but we will certainly accept stories set outside of our solar system…but please stick to the zines’ theme.

We’re looking for stories up to 7,500 words. We will still not read simultaneous submissions, nor will we be reading reprints for the new print zine. Payment for first rights will be ½ cent per word for First Rights.


For poetry, it’s the same thing. Poems must revolve around the idea of the colonization and exploration of space. Payment will be $5 per poem, on publication for first rights. No reprints or simultaneous submissions.


At this time we are not looking for art submissions.


All submissions must use standard manuscript formatting.  Please send all submissions as attachments in rtf. We are no longer reading Word submissions. I will read poetry submissions that are sent pasted into messages, but I’d prefer attachments. Please also include a brief third person authors’ bio.


Don’t send work that is based in other people’s universes. All works must be original with no threat of copyright infringement. All submissions should be sent to themartianwave at yahoo dot com. The Matian Wave DOES NOT accept snail-mail submissions. We’re not including the e-mail address as a hyperlink because of spammers, but we’re confident you can figure out what to do with that address…